Expanding Panels

Remember these? I’m happy to report that I have the Grasshopper file under control, and in a friendly, won’t-crash-computers format.

Here’s my initial image sampler setup:

A series of image samplers filters for different color, saturation, and brightness information:

You can see that the values at each point vary by filter:

Use this information to alter the grid structure and generate voronoi cells:

Print and draw. (You saw this last week.)

Set up a rotation sequence to manipulate surfaces formed by the voronoi cells:

Pull three layers of the rotated cells apart:

UPDATE: So What?

  • I’m interested in the idea that one process (in this case, an image sampler) repeated, but adjusted for new priorities (color, saturation, brightness), can yield a variety of results (overlapping voronoi cells). The ability to arrive at a theme and variation through a testing of variables has some scientific undertones, but what I like about these images is that the different layers of results are all made apparent. Changes in color and rotation can emphasize certain image sampler filters over others, but the structure of each remains.
  • Making the move from 2-dimensional drawings to 3-dimensional (rhino) models has been quite helpful in understanding the potential of grasshopper as a way of looking. All of a sudden, the grasshopper manipulations feel less diagrammatic, and more like spatial fields with possible social/environmental potential.


Swords into ploughshares, indeed. This definition turns the intersections of spears into a series of voronoi cells, and the results look remarkably like the agricultural patterns I saw in Hamburg this summer. Could these voronoi cells suggest fields and floodplains?

More orthogonally, one can use the intersections to create a variegated gridded field: